Sunday, May 9, 2010


If you know me, then you know about the recent changes that occurred in my life. My step kids mother passed away and now they are living with us. It is a huge transition for all of us including the adults. Anyway, for the first two months during this transition, I didn't do any exercise. I started back going to the gym in March. I found the gym to be my haven away from home. I used to feel like I had to have an "exercise buddy" to help me workout. It's nice to have someone workout with you but I had to learn to do it by myself. I'm trying to reach a "healthier" weight for myself and no one else. So I needed to own up and come to the realization that I can do this on my own. Now don't get me wrong, I do have family and friends that support me on this journey. I know it a lifestyle change. And it is proving to be quite a challenge. I look at myself and wonder how in the world did I let myself get to this weight. I know that it's no one's fault but my own. So I blame myself only. With that said I am off to the gym on this Mother's Day so I can continue to get a handle on a situation that I let get out of control.

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