Saturday, May 15, 2010

This week I did good with my exercise. I worked at the gym twice this week. And today I walked at Mt. Trashmore with my friend. It was a good walk. Next time I would like to walk another lap. It was nice to have a change of scenery. I also did some more exercise tonight. I talked to my Web MD coach yesterday and I'm supposed to work on drinking 91 ounces of water a day. Umm, I am going to really have to work on that. I drink water but not nearly that much. So I found a 57 ounce pink water bottle that I'm going to use to measure my water intake. I'm still working on eating at a decent time. My husband and I share the cooking duties. So I am stressing to him on the days he cook as well as when I cook that I need to eat before 8pm. I believe you are supposed to eat before seven but I feel like if we push for eight then we can work on eating earlier once that is accomplished. Because eating at nine and ten o'clock is not working and is not healthy at all. I feel really good about what I am doing. And the best part is I am doing it for myself.

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