Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Story

This blog is about my experiences becoming a healthier person. Of course my focus is losing weight. We all read and hear about how people gained their weight. Well I didn't have anything tragic happen to me or my family. I just stopped exercising when I got married. No, I'm not putting the blame on anyone else. It was all my fault. I could kick myself in the behind for not making sure that I stayed the way that I was physically. I never had a healthy eating habit so I packed on the pounds. Six years later and I am at my heaviest. I never would've imagined myself being fat. There, I said it, you know the "f" word. It took me a while to be able to do that. I was in denial for quite some time because I feel smaller than I am, but the mirror doesn't lie. And neither does the clothes when I look for something stylish to purchase. My husband keeps telling me that I am not fat and asks who told me that I am . Isn't that sweet of him not wanting to hurt my feelings. I told him that the woman in mirror tells me I am. I hope that blogging my feelings and experiences will help me in some way. I am a virgin you know, well at blogging.

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