Thursday, June 25, 2009


Well this week I was bad. I had candy and burgers. I hadn't ate any candy in one month and I just had to have it. Shame on me. On top of that I didn't exercise all week until today. I had to make myself get back on track. It is so easy to just not do anything. So I did the walk away the pounds three mile. This was an accomplishment since I was never able to complete the whole three miles. I can do the one mile and the two mile with ease. But I finally did the three mile. I'm not regretting that I slipped up, just owning up to what I did. Just trying to be honest with myself. You can front about what you did when it comes to other people, but make sure to always be honest to yourself. I'm still sweating from that workout. That is the one thing that I don't have a problem with. Sweating. Well I have to get back on my "A" game if I truly want to become healthier and lose this weight. I don't have any health problems and I want to keep it that way.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Story

This blog is about my experiences becoming a healthier person. Of course my focus is losing weight. We all read and hear about how people gained their weight. Well I didn't have anything tragic happen to me or my family. I just stopped exercising when I got married. No, I'm not putting the blame on anyone else. It was all my fault. I could kick myself in the behind for not making sure that I stayed the way that I was physically. I never had a healthy eating habit so I packed on the pounds. Six years later and I am at my heaviest. I never would've imagined myself being fat. There, I said it, you know the "f" word. It took me a while to be able to do that. I was in denial for quite some time because I feel smaller than I am, but the mirror doesn't lie. And neither does the clothes when I look for something stylish to purchase. My husband keeps telling me that I am not fat and asks who told me that I am . Isn't that sweet of him not wanting to hurt my feelings. I told him that the woman in mirror tells me I am. I hope that blogging my feelings and experiences will help me in some way. I am a virgin you know, well at blogging.