Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Week Done!!!

I completed the first week of Insanity. I lost 2 pounds which I am happy with. I've been this same weight for a while now. So it feels good to be 2 pounds lighter. Seeing results makes me work harder so I can see even more. That's 2 pounds closer to my overall goal. Now I have to keep my food consumption in check. I do a lot better then I used to to but there is always room for improvement. I started on week 2 yesterday. So we will see what happens at the end of this week.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So I've recently started doing Shaun T's "Insanity" DVDs. Insanity is a perfect title for it. These workouts are hard. Really hard for anyone that's really overweight like me. But I am giving it my all and doing them in spite of. None of the people in the video represents "people like me". They are all slim or muscular. That's not saying that they are in shape but none of them have a lot of excess weight on them. Hmm, I wonder how much "healthier" I am going to look when I'm done with this program in 60 days? We will see. I am still going to go to the gym in addition to doing the "insanity" workouts. I can't wait to see my results.